Saturday, November 5, 2016

Beneficiary of Sticker Dude Clipping Service

With his finger on the pulse of politics, music and philosophy, the Sticker Dude is one of my 'go-to' people for current affairs.  Lucky I am a trusty recipient of the Sticker Dude's clipping service.  While my family and friends send me links, I get a big fat envelope of clippings from Joel.  Snail mail is the best...

My slow response means that some of the 'news' is caught in a time-warp - the time sensitive nature of some things creates a parallel universe of reality but whenever I read them, they are equally interesting and sometimes the reflective quality adds nuance.

 Joel has kept me replete with Dylan paraphenalia since his 75th birthday, earlier this year.  I was one of the delighted by the Nobel Prize award!  But like a good tune, I have been taken on a ride, re-evaluating the nature of awards and what being part of the establishment means. Fun to read this early article.

What can I say.  We are all in the throes of 24 election news coverage and Ginsberg had it covered back in '95. 
And the Nation!  One of the things I miss about leaving NYC is not getting the Nation. It's amazing and ridiculous to think that the Editor and I were both Editor-in-Chief of the same school paper, in consecutive years! She edits the Nation: I get snail mail with clippings from her paper and I blog.

Check your mailboxes!
Many thanks Joel.

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