Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Chartreuse and woes of wanted and unwanted attention - Voyageur Postal

Herman's envelope of the unwanted attention of a true romance rogue, brings me right back to teenage hours wondering what the world held in store for me…

Next I look at it from an aesthetic angle and delight in the squares of colour and the way they break up the tension of space.
For me, a day at the hairdresser would be absolute purgatory, but interestingly, Herman's hairdressing side of the envelope with it's swinging london feel and chartreuse print, exists in a parallel universe:  the radio is debating objectification and beauty and I find myself wondering if this little lady enjoys her coiffure, and is she does is that OK? Would she call herself a feminist?  One thing's for sure, the man attending to her seems to love his job. This is a very fun pair of images and quite provocative in an aesthetic way too!
Hurray for Herman! and what a wonderful muse this roman makes in his pillar of stamps. and if youask me, It looks like Herman's heart includes Falmouth, one of the prettiesst places in the southwest of the UK… and I don't blame him!

Love these moustached men!

Can you spy the collage Herman has made me in the midst of all the wonderful pieces of collage material he sent too? I nearly missed it!
 Huge thanks.  What a beautiful mail art surprise!

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